Awards and prizes

榴莲成人app下载 of Newcastle is home to some of the world’s most well-regarded researchers and educators.

Our researchers have won high-profile awards for their work in engineering, cancer prevention, nutrition education, asthma prevention, education initiatives, humanities, and much more.

Awards provide opportunities to celebrate success; raise the profile of the University, teams and individuals; connect with new partners and achieve career goals.

Here is a list of prestigious national awards opportunities. The contains comprehensive links to award opportunities -  internal, local, national and international.

National Awards

AwardClosing dateSubject area(s)FormatAwarded for
Royal Society Awards    
FebruaryScience, technology and engineeringAwardResearch excellence
FebruaryNursing and midwiferyAwardInstitutional excellence
MarchHumanitiesAwards Excellence in Research / Excellence in Musicology / Excellence in Translation
MarchHumanitiesFellowshipTravel bursary
MarchMedical and Health SciencesAwardExcellence in leadership, innovation and sector contribution
MarchAnyAwardBooks of high literary merit or scholarly accomplishment
MarchScience (General)AwardExcellence in scientific research, research-based innovation
AprilMedical and Health SciencesAwardRising star of Australian health and medical science
AprilScienceAwardIntellectual and scientific excellence
Australian Academy of Science Honorific AwardsMayScience AwardAdvancement of science
MayMedical and Health SciencesAwardInnovation in health and aged care
MayScience AwardExcellence in research & innovation, leadership, science engagement, and school science.
MayQuantitative biomedical scienceAwardResearch excellence
MayMedical and Health SciencesAwardResearch excellence
MayMedical and Health SciencesAwardResearch impact
JuneEngineeringAwardBroad range of awards for excellence in all aspects of engineering
JuneMedical and Health SciencesAwardResearch excellence
JunePhilanthropyAwardImpact through philanthropy
JuneProperty and facilities managementAwardInnovation in property and facility management
JulyAnyAwardExcellence in leadership, research management, governance and policy, innovation, communication, people and culture
and engagement
JulySocial Sciences, Humanities and Arts (General)AwardContribution to Australian arts and culture
JulyManyAwardAchievements and excellence of professionals and businesses within defence
JulyAnyAwardinfluential, inspirational and visionary women
BUPA Foundation Emerging Health Researcher of the YearJulyMedical and Health SciencesAwardDedication and contribution of ECRs
Centenary Institute's Medical Innovation AwardJulyMedical and Health SciencesAwardResearch excellence
JulyMedical and Health SciencesAwardResearch excellence
JulyMedical and Health SciencesAwardExceptional mid-career stem cell researchers
Research Australia Health and Medical Research AwardsJulyMedical and Health SciencesAwardResearch excellence
JulyAnyFree media trainingUp and coming researchers with no media experience
Australian Finanical Review - Higher Education AwardsAugustAnyAwardOutstanding contribution to Australian prosperity and quality of life
CSIRO Indigenous STEM AwardsAugustManyAwardContribution to STEM
Engagement Australia Excellence AwardsAugustAnyAwardExcellence in engagement
Australian Awards for University Teaching (AAUT)SeptemberAnyAwardExcellence in  teaching
Global Academic Development Good Practice AwardsSeptemberAnyAwardEnhancing practice across the dimensions of teaching, learning and scholarship
Australian College of Nursing Grants and ScholarshipsSeptemberMedical and Health SciencesScholarshipsResearch in nursing
Council for the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (CHASS) Prize for Distinctive Work in the Humanities, Arts and Social SciencesSeptemberHumanities, arts and social sciencesAwardExcellence in performance, exhibition, research project or advances in policy development
NHMRC Research Excellence AwardsSeptemberMedical and Health SciencesAwardTop ranked researchers and teams following peer review of NHRMC grant applications
Universities Australia Marketing, Communications and Development awardSeptemberMarketing and communicationsAwardClever, inspiring and high impact work

Awards contact

Academic Excellence
Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor, Academic Excellence
